Nowadays error culture is often demanded in the health care industry in discussions about patient safety or quality management in the hospital care. Error management and error culture are seen as interrelated with positive effect on patient safety. To measure mindful organizing within the hospital care as a visible sign of an error culture (collective mindfulness) the "Safety Organizing Scale" (SOS) developed by Vogus & Sutcliffe is used. Several empirical studies show that SOS is a proven useful tool to measure mindful organizing. By use of SOS conclusions about collective mindfulness and thus about error culture of the studied hospital care organization could be drawn. to increase error culture. Classic HRO error management concepts and hospital- specific quality management concepts such as DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015 / EN15224: 2012 are useful to increase error culture. In addition to that it is worthwhile to involve further human factors like professional experience in the investigation of mindful organizing using SOS. Because it can be shown that the professional experience of nurses contributes positively to the reliability of hospital care. Finally a culture of trust is a central requirement for both an error culture as well as for an efficient error management
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